Dryden March Break Sibshops


Sibshops is a program designed for brothers & sisters of someone with an intellectual disability, developmental disability, or mental health concerns. Sibshops is not therapy, but rather a venue for sibs to have fun, laugh, talk about the good and not-so-good parts, play some great games, learn something about the services/diagnosis of their brothers or sisters, and have some more fun.
Sessions will include a snack.


  • Caregivers
Help with
  • Resilience
  • School Age
  • Siblings
  • Skill Building

Superior Life Skills

Available Spaces


Who is Eligible

This service is not intended for those unable to follow instructions within a group setting, or those with
maladaptive behaviours.


3 hours per session

Session dates

March 12, 2024; 9:00-12:00