Intro to Augmentative Communication: Live virtual presentation


his presentation will help parents learn easy and simple ways to introduce the use of symbols for functional communication into their everyday activities at home. Parents will also learn about beneficial aided language strategies to help their child learn to communicate using symbols. There will also be some demonstration of various types of communication devices and communication apps that are designed to help children with their communication. This presentation is intended for children of all ages, who may be non-verbal or have communication abilities that are not meeting their communication needs (less verbal).


  • 0 to 18
  • 0 to 3
  • 3 to 8
  • 9 to 12
  • 13 to 18
  • Adults
  • Parents

George Jeffrey Children's Centre

Available Spaces


Who is Eligible

This presentation is intended for children of all ages, who may be non-verbal or have communication abilities that are not meeting their communication needs (less verbal)

Session dates

Session 2
February 16, 2021
6:30 pm EST