Conversation Cues


Conversation Cues (Part 1) is a 6-session program teaching the skills needed during conversations. Sessions are taught using a variety of activities, videos, workbooks, and role- plays. Topics covered include; When To Start Conversation, Cue: Interested, Cue: Not Interested, How To Start Conversation, Cue: Bored, Take Turns


Help with
  • Communication
  • Life Skills
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills

Superior Life Skills

Available Spaces


Who is Eligible

This service is not intended for youth who are not able to pay attention in a group environment or follow basic instructions. Youth with limited language skills.

For youth between the ages of 9 - 17.


60 minutes

Session dates

November 1, 2022 - December 6, 2022
3:30 - 4:30 PM