Programs & Services by

For help with:
  • Language
  • Life Skills
  • Play
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
Provider:Behaviour Analysis North

This skills group will aim to teach school aged learners’ important social skill for engaging in social play and social interactions, building friendships with peers, as well as managing emotions in challenging social settings. Learners will have the opportunity to identify their social strengths as well as an opportunity to practice play skills, language skills, self-regulation skills and school readiness skills. This social skills group will provide a variety of facilitated activities that will encourage learners to connect with peers, enhance their self-awareness skills and practice problem solving and cooperation skills.

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Communication
  • Language
  • Life Skills
  • Play
  • Self-regulation
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
Provider:Behaviour Analysis North

This social skills group will provide learners with an opportunity to explore and practice social skills such as asking for help, greeting peers, turn taking, asking peers to play, and joining in on other peers’ play. Through a variety of facilitated activities, this group will also help learners identify and practice skills needed for managing their emotions and learning to cooperate with others.

💻Hybrid (Sudbury/Manitoulin)
For help with:
  • Antecedent Strategies
  • Behaviour
  • Caregiver Training
  • Coaching
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Daily Routine
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Preschool
  • Reinforcement
  • School Age
  • Self-regulation
  • Siblings
  • Teens
Provider:Behaviour Analysis North

The RUBI Parent Training for Disruptive Behaviours is intended to equip parents with a variety of techniques and tools that can help minimize disruptive behaviours and increase desired behaviours. It provides families with a wealth of information that can assist in their day-to-day planning for their child by including teaching opportunities for play skills, daily living skills as well as opportunities to apply behaviour management skills for encouraging desired behaviours.

For help with:
  • Language
  • Life Skills
  • Play
  • Reinforcement
  • Skill Building
Provider:Behaviour Analysis North

The Pretend Play and Language Assessment and Curriculum assesses play skills and accompanying language and provides a behaviourally based curriculum to expand a child’s play repertoire. The assessment and consultation will identify next steps in developing play skills and provide parents with programming to continue to advance their child’s play.

Who is Eligible:

Ages: 12-15 Years

For help with:
  • Communication
  • Language
  • Social Skills
  • Teens
Provider:Behaviour Analysis North

Critical Core is a role playing game that features cooperation between players to achieve goals within the game. Using a game master who facilitates the play, players determine their characters strengths and abilities and use these to work collaboratively with the other players. With a focus on skills that are critical for building relationships and having meaningful social interactions, Critical Core makes learning enjoyable for players.

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Behaviour
  • Caregiver Training
  • Coaching
Provider:Behaviour Analysis North

Individualized targeted 3 session consultation to work on a specific goal. These may include: functional skills such as toileting, eating, hygeine; communication goals (i.e., functional communication); identifying alternatives to disruptive behaviour, etc.

For help with:
  • Antecedent Strategies
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Assessment
  • Behaviour
  • Coaching
  • Communication
  • Consultation
  • Daily Routine
  • Life Skills
  • Reinforcement
  • Resilience
  • Self-regulation
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
  • Visuals
Provider:ABA Northern Services and Training Inc.

Caregivers often assume that the challenges that they face in helping their children develop healthy daily routines are a part of their child’s autism and must be endured. This workshop provides caregivers an overview of strategies that include the application of behaviour analysis. The use of practical strategies to promote desired behaviour, and a focus on improving the quality of life for the child and their family.

💻Hybrid (Sudbury/Manitoulin)
For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Caregiver Training
  • Coaching
  • Communication
  • Consultation
  • Daily Routine
  • Early Learning
  • Language
  • Life Skills
  • Play
  • Preschool
  • Skill Building
Provider:ABA Northern Services and Training Inc.

These workshops and consultation series are recommended for families whose child has recently received an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. After receiving news of a diagnosis, families will navigate through a lot of information to make important decisions about next steps. This series offers 3 workshops, along with 3, 1:1, 30-minute consultations with a BCBA-D. Workshop 1 will provide an overview of various services recommended to families with a child with ASD. Workshop 2 will provide an overview of Autism and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and why ABA is well suited to address ASD. If seeking ABA based services, this information is key for knowing what to look for in providers and how caregiver involvement is key to helping children reach their full potential. Workshop 3 will review things to do as you wait for service that will aid in developing skills and routines in the home to maximize learning from the get-go. The initial consultation is aimed at gathering information that will be pertinent to focusing the workshops on the audience attending, with follow up consultations occurring after Workshop 3 which will focus on implementing ABA strategies in the home with coaching from a BCBA-D.

💻Hybrid (Sudbury/Manitoulin)
For help with:
  • Antecedent Strategies
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Behaviour
  • Caregiver Training
  • Coaching
  • Communication
  • Daily Routine
  • Early Learning
  • Language
  • Play
  • Reinforcement
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
Provider:ABA Northern Services and Training Inc.

This workshop provides an opportunity to learn Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) strategies to teach your child play skills that increase and promote language. Teaching communication skills and expanding your child’s language through play increases skill development across many areas maximizing learning opportunities. There are four individual consults with a BCBA-D included with this workshop. These consultations are individualized specific to implement the strategies reviewed at the workshop with your child.

Who is Eligible:

This service is not intended for youth with aggressive behaviour.

For help with:
  • Antecedent Strategies
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Assessment
  • Behaviour
  • Coaching
  • Communication
  • Consultation
  • Daily Routine
  • Independence
  • Life Skills
  • Reinforcement
  • Resilience
  • Self-regulation
  • Social Skills
  • Visuals
Provider:ABA Northern Services and Training Inc.

Friendships are key for a healthy development for children and youth. Maintaining and developing friendships can be especially tricky to navigate for children and youth with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This peer group is aimed at teaching and providing participants with opportunities to practice the skills necessary for developing friendships as well as how to maintain friendships. Participants will practice getting to know each other, how to initiate and end conversations, conversation do’s and don’t’s and how to host and be a guest at a play date. Participants will have opportunities to learn these skills while interacting with each other and participating in group games.

Virtual only program
Who is Eligible:

These individual consultations and relevant resources will be child/youth specific in response to their personal strengths, needs and specific needs of the family.

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Caregiver Training
  • Consultation
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Employment
  • Independence
  • Life Skills
  • Preschool
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
  • Teens
  • Transitions
  • Vocational skills
Provider:S. Grenier Consulting

Transitions can be difficult for children and youth with ASD, but they don’t have to be. Parents will be provided with the tools, education and knowledge for advocacy skills and navigating systems seamlessly in order to support their child to experience smooth transitions. Sectors included can be between years of study and/or between school settings, secondary and post-secondary or for the adult sector, work force and community settings. These individual consultations and relevant ressources will be child/youth specific in response to their personal strengths, needs and specific needs of the family.

*Webinar will be in English, however, consultations are available en français

Virtual only program
Who is Eligible:

This service is not intended for children or adolescents presenting with challenging behaviours, such as aggression, Self-Injurious Behaviour and non-compliance.

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Behaviour
  • Caregiver Training
  • Coaching
  • Communication
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Daily Routine
  • Early Learning
  • Independence
  • Life Skills
  • Play
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
  • Toileting
  • Visuals
  • Webinar
Provider:S. Grenier Consulting

Welcome to Holland! Simple and effective Applied Behaviour Analysis strategies can easily be incorporated into everyday life at home. This webinar offers practical solutions for families to develop a routine, integrate visual aids into daily life, keep children busy, master controlled choices, Before and After, and following through. The one hour consultations will focus on direct parent training that can be incorporated into everyday life (between the loads of laundry and making supper).
3 one hour virtual Individual sessions scheduled in accordance with family availability.

Who is Eligible:

This service is not intended for severe sexual behaviours, which should be referred to a BCBA.

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Behaviour
  • Caregiver Training
  • Consultation
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Early Learning
  • Independence
  • Life Skills
  • School Age
  • Sexuality
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
  • Teens
  • Webinar
Provider:S. Grenier Consulting

Learning social behaviour begins quite early in life. As we navigate this social world, we develop appropriate skills to the context of situations for healthy sexuality. For parents and children with ASD, this social world can become frightening. This interactive webinar will support families in developing useful social repertoires amongst their peers and the world around them. Kids should learn these skills as soon as possible to protect them from being vulnerable to certain situations. These tools will be shared with parents and individual consultations will target one appropriate social skill to maintain healthy boundaries.

*Webinar will be in English, however, consultations are available en français

Location:Thunder Bay
Who is Eligible:

This service is intended for those who can participate in a group setting without additional support. For example, Sibshops would not be a good fit if the sibling needed a support person in the school environment. Applicable ages would be 5-18. Participants can register for the full 5 day camp. Each day will be different.

For help with:
  • Resilience
  • School Age
  • Siblings
  • Skill Building
Provider:Superior Life Skills

Join us for a March Break camp, just for the siblings.

Sibshops is an opportunity for those who have a sibling with an ASD diagnosis. Sibshops is not therapy, but rather a venue for sibs to have fun, laugh, talk about the good and not-so-good parts, play some great games, learn something about the services/diagnosis of their brothers or sisters, and have some more fun.

This all-day session includes snacks and lunch. Our 5 day camp includes snacks and lunch.

Location:Thunder Bay
Who is Eligible:

This program is designed for children between the ages of 9-12 years old.

For help with:
  • Communication
  • Resilience
  • School Age
  • Self-regulation
  • Social Skills
Provider:Superior Life Skills

Confidence and Bullying Prevention is a program designed by Model Me Kids. The program provides tools for preventing bullying and building self-esteem. Through videos, a workbook, discussions and activities, the program will cover:

• Self-Advocacy
• Peer Pressure
• Choosing Friends
• Building Strengths
• Visualization
• Positive Self-Talk
• Scripting
• Stay with Others
• Telling Isn't Tattling
• Walk Tall

Location:Thunder Bay
Who is Eligible:

This program is designed for parents and caregivers with a child between the ages of 2-10 years old.

For help with:
  • Caregiver Training
  • Preschool
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
Provider:Superior Life Skills

Group Triple P Stepping Stones is for caregivers who are experiencing significant problems with their child’s behaviour or those who simply want to know how to encourage their child’s development and potential. Join us for 6 group sessions and 3 individual sessions to learn strategies, gain some ideas, and grow your positive parenting toolbox.

- teaching new skills/behaviours
- developing a positive relationship
- managing misbehaviour
- promoting development
- and many more

Best for parents/caregivers with children 2-10 years old.

Program also available virtually
Location:Thunder Bay
Who is Eligible:

Reserved for children and families who are not engaged in a similar service with another provider. Children who engage in any of the following are not eligible for this service: self-injury, aggression, property destruction, pica, other potentially dangerous behaviour, and clients actively receiving direct ABA services, or services via telehealth, that are supervised by a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) or working with a Speech Language Pathologist, or Occupational Therapist.

For help with:
  • Antecedent Strategies
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Caregiver Training
  • Coaching
  • Communication
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Daily Routine
  • Early Learning
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Feeding
  • Independence
  • Life Skills
  • Picky Eaters
  • Play
  • Preschool
  • Reinforcement
  • School Age
  • Self-regulation
  • Skill Building
  • Sleeping
  • Social Skills
  • Teens
  • Toileting
  • Transitions
  • Visuals
Provider:Creative Therapy Associates

Caregivers will work together with the Occupational Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist and BCBA, to choose a goal. They will then have 9 sessions of 1:1 coaching and/or consultations with any of the professionals, based on what the needs and goal is.

Following a brief screening by the team, you will discuss strategies related to skill acquisition or a behaviour of concern that the family may find challenging. Caregivers will leave the initial consult with specific, measurable goals. The professionals will develop strategies and will then help coach the family or work with the child directly for the remaining sessions.

Location:Thunder Bay
Who is Eligible:

Reserved for children and families who are not engaged in a similar service with another provider. Children who engage in any of the following are not eligible for this service: self-injury, aggression, property destruction, pica, other potentially dangerous behaviour, and clients actively receiving direct ABA services, or services via telehealth, that are supervised by a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) or working with a Speech Language Pathologist, or Occupational Therapist

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Behaviour
  • Caregiver Training
  • Coaching
  • Communication
  • Consultation
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Daily Routine
  • Early Learning
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Feeding
  • Independence
  • Language
  • Life Skills
  • Picky Eaters
  • Preschool
  • Reinforcement
  • School Age
  • Self-regulation
  • Skill Building
  • Sleeping
  • Social Skills
  • Toileting
  • Transitions
  • Visuals
Provider:Creative Therapy Associates

Focused ABA targets one or two behavioural goals at a time. You will virtually meet with our BCBA to help develop programming based on identified goals (joint attention, transitions, communication, self-help skills, play skills, etc.). ABA therapists will work 1:1 with your child to help achieve goals. Parents will have the opportunity for BCBA coaching to help generalize learning to the home environment.

Virtual only program
Who is Eligible:

Reserved for children and families who are not engaged in a similar service with another provider.
Children will be screened prior to this program to ensure child is the right fit for this program.

For help with:
  • Caregiver Training
  • Communication
  • Daily Routine
  • Early Learning
  • Independence
  • Language
  • Preschool
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
  • Webinar
Provider:Creative Therapy Associates

This interactive workshop, run by a Speech-Language Pathologist will review a variety of AAC programs and low tech devices to help families understand their differences, benefits and why certain options may be better for their children based on their age, skill set, and development. She will provide a brief overview of what things to consider in choosing a device and tips on where to start. It will be followed by a question answer period to provide families with the opportunity to make individualized inquiries.

Who is Eligible:

Children aged 2 - 7

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Communication
  • Play
  • Skill Building
  • Social life
Provider:Behaviour Analysis North

The Pretend Play and Language Assessment and Curriculum assesses play skills and accompanying language and provides a behaviourally based curriculum to expand a child’s play repertoire. The assessment and consultation will identify next steps in developing play skills and provide parents with programming to continue to advance their child’s play.

Who is Eligible:

This skills group will aim to teach school aged learners aged 7 - 11.

For help with:
  • Play
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
Provider:Behaviour Analysis North

This skills group will aim to teach school aged learners’ important social skill for engaging in social play and social interactions, building friendships with peers, as well as managing emotions in challenging social settings. Learners will have the opportunity to identify their social strengths as well as an opportunity to practice play skills, language skills, self-regulation skills and school readiness skills. This social skills group will provide a variety of facilitated activities that will encourage learners to connect with peers, enhance their self-awareness skills and practice problem solving and cooperation skills.

Who is Eligible:

This skills group will aim to teach preschool and kindergarten learners ages 4 - 6.

For help with:
  • Language
  • Life Skills
  • Social Skills
Provider:Behaviour Analysis North

This skills group will aim to teach preschool and kindergarten learners prosocial skills for transitioning into the demands of a school setting. Learners will focus on school readiness skills, play skills, as well as self-awareness skills. This social skills group will provide learners with an opportunity to explore and practice social skills such as asking for help, greeting peers, turn taking, asking peers to play, and joining in on other peers’ play. Through a variety of facilitated activities, this group will also help learners identify and practice skills needed for managing their emotions and learning to cooperate with other peers.

Virtual only program
For help with:
  • Caregiver Training
  • Coaching
  • Communication
  • Consultation
  • Daily Routine
  • Early Learning
  • Language
  • Life Skills
  • Play
  • Preschool
  • Skill Building
  • Transitions
Provider:ABA Northern Services and Training Inc.

This workshop and consultation series is recommended for families whose child has recently received an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. After receiving news of a diagnosis, families will navigate through a lot of information to make important decisions about next steps. This series offers 3 workshops, along with 3, 1:1, 30-minute consultations with a BCBA-D. Workshop 1 will provide an overview of various services recommended to families with a child with ASD. Workshop 2 will provide an overview of Autism and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and why ABA is well suited to address ASD. If seeking ABA based services, this information is key for knowing what to look for in providers and how caregiver involvement is key to helping children reach their full potential. Workshop 3 will review things to do as you wait for service that will aid in developing skills and routines in the home to maximize learning from the get-go. The initial consultation is aimed at gathering information that will be pertinent to focusing the workshops on the audience attending, with follow up consultations occurring after Workshop 3 which will focus on implementing ABA strategies in the home with coaching from a BCBA-D.

Virtual only program
Who is Eligible:

This service aims to support parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to teach toileting skills.

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Daily Routine
  • Independence
  • Skill Building
  • Toileting
  • Webinar
Provider:ABA Northern Services and Training Inc.

Teaching Parents to toilet train their child: 1:1 consult

We will train parents via telehealth and provide a few 1:1 consults specific to the implementation of teaching their child.
This toilet training program reviewed with participants comes from Dr. Natalie Paquet Croteau’s recent article published in the Journal of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities.

Toileting is an essential skill for all individuals to acquire and serves as a steppingstone to the development of many other skills. This service aims to support parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to teach toileting skills.

Toileting phases

• Research supported strategies
• Child centered approach to toileting
• Collecting and interpreting data
• Reinforcement and troubleshooting

Program may be available virtually
Who is Eligible:

Reserved for children and families who are not engaged in a similar service with another provider. Children who engage in any of the following are not eligible for this service: self-injury, aggression, property destruction, or other potentially dangerous behaviour. and clients actively receiving ABA services that are supervised by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).

For help with:
  • Caregiver Training
  • Communication
  • Consultation
  • Skill Building
Provider:Roots & Wings Psychology

Over the course of four weeks, caregivers will consult directly with a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst on a goal for their child. They will receive 1:1 coaching and/or continued consultations with the BCBA. Consultations will occur virtually or by phone, and in-person where possible. Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) as well as Mindfulness and values-based coaching will be used with caregivers (i.e., Acceptance and Commitment Training). ACT is an evidence-based approach that combines mindfulness techniques with values-based processes which helps caregivers to address the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and sensations that can arise when implementing new strategies.