Programs & Services by

💻Hybrid (Sudbury/Manitoulin)
Who is Eligible:

Due to the nature of counselling, sessions are not intended for individuals with intellectual disabilities or
significant learning problems. Eligibility to be determined at intake. Those not appropriate for counselling will be directed to more appropriate services.

For help with:
  • Coaching
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
  • Life Skills
  • Mental health
  • Skill Building
  • Teens
Provider:Mariani and Associates

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND. This service is intended for caregivers or adolescents (age 13+) to receive direct individual support from a psychologist or clinical associate working under the supervision of Dr. Stephanie Price or Dr. Matias Mariani to address challenges related to a range of issues (e.g., family problems, parenting stress, bullying at school, worries, etc.). The goal is to provide time-limited counselling to better manage emotions, improve problem-solving, and learn various coping skills.

Who is Eligible:

This group is intended for children ages 8 to 12 years who have heightened level of anxiety (e.g., worries or
fears). Due to the nature of this group, sessions are not intended for children with intellectual disabilities or
significant learning or communication problems. Eligibility to be determined at intake. Those not appropriate for this group will be directed to more appropriate services.


For help with:
  • Anxiety
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
  • Mental health
  • School Age
  • Social Skills
Provider:Mariani and Associates

The Cool Kids Program for ASD (Chalfant, Lyneham, Rapee, & Carroll, 2011) is an evidence-based, structured therapy designed to help children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, aged 9 to 12 years effectively identify, manage, and overcome anxiety. The program uses a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach and incorporates various techniques and strategies to help young individuals develop the skills necessary to better identify feelings, cope with anxiety, foster social skills, and improve overall function. All materials will be provided.

Note: All applicants must undergo an intake interview to determine eligibility.

Who is Eligible:

Due to the nature of this group, sessions are not intended for teens with intellectual disabilities or significant
learning problems. Eligibility to be determined at intake. Those not appropriate for this group will be directed to more appropriate services.

For help with:
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
  • Mental health
  • Resilience
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
  • Teens
Provider:Mariani and Associates

This Social Resilience Builder Group for Teens is intended for adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder, aged 13 to 18 years. This group is adapted from The Resilience Builder Program (Alvord, Zucker, & Grados, 2011) that is designed to support individuals to bounce back from stress by developing resilience and protective factors, such as self-awareness, self-regulation, flexible thinking, and social competence. All materials will be provided.

Note: All applicants must undergo an intake interview to determine eligibility.

Who is Eligible:

Caregivers Only

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Caregiver Training
  • Coaching
  • Consultation
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
Provider:ABA Northern Services and Training Inc.

People interact socially many times in a day. For children with autism, developing social skills may require more practice and more opportunities. In this workshop series, caregivers are provided an overview of the importance of social skills and are introduced to various strategies that can be used with their children to target specific social skills. Caregivers will be given an opportunity to identify a relevant social skill to teach their child, utilizing a strategy reviewed in the workshop and will have opportunities to practice and report back in a 1:1 follow up consultation.

Who is Eligible:

Caregivers Only

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Daily Routine
  • Independence
  • Skill Building
  • Toileting
  • Webinar
Provider:ABA Northern Services and Training Inc.

Teaching Parents to Toilet Train Their Child
We will train parents via telehealth and provide a few 1:1 consults specific to the implementation of teaching their child.

This toilet training program reviewed with participants comes from Dr. Natalie Paquet Croteau’s recent article published in the Journal of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities.

Toileting is an essential skill for all individuals to acquire and serves as a steppingstone to the development of many other skills. This service aims to support parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to teach toileting skills.

Toileting phases
• Research supported strategies
• Child centered approach to toileting
• Collecting and interpreting data
• Reinforcement and troubleshooting

💻Hybrid (Sudbury/Manitoulin)
Who is Eligible:

Caregivers Only

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Caregiver Training
  • Coaching
  • Communication
  • Consultation
  • Daily Routine
  • Early Learning
  • Language
  • Life Skills
  • Play
  • Skill Building
Provider:ABA Northern Services and Training Inc.

This workshop series is recommended for families with a child who has recently received an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. After receiving news of a diagnosis, families will navigate through a lot of information to make important decisions about next steps. This series offers 3 workshops, along with 4, 1:1, 30-minute consultations with a BCBA-D. Workshop 1 will provide an overview of various services recommended to families with a child with ASD. Workshop 2 will provide an overview of Autism and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and why ABA is well suited to address ASD. Workshop 3 will focus on developing positive interactions as a foundation to teach a variety of different skills in these early stages. 4, 30-minute, 1:1 consultations will follow Workshop 3, where families will identify a goal and will work with the BCBA-D to develop this skill. 1:1 consultations are for caregivers and child to attend. Workshops are delivered virtually and consultations can be virtual or in person, based on preference and availability.

Location:Thunder Bay
Who is Eligible:

This service is not intended for those unable to follow instructions within a group setting. Applicable ages are 4-8.

For help with:
  • Play
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
Provider:Superior Life Skills

Join us as we focus on social skills needed for play with friends and peers. Target skills include: - Taking-turns
- Waiting
- Sharing
- Winning & Losing
Parents and guardians are welcome to join us for at 11:30 for generalization on Friday August 11. Generalization handouts will also be provided daily.

💻Hybrid (Algoma)
For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Caregiver Training
  • Consultation
  • Visuals
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

This hands-on workshop will introduce caregivers to effective visual strategies that will assist in promoting positive behaviours.
Participants will walk away with the knowledge and rationale for using visual supports such as visual schedules, first & then boards and visual task analysis. Participants will have an opportunity to create an individualized visual to help support their child/ youth in the home environment.
Furthermore, caregivers will have an opportunity to consult virtually with a therapist for a one-hour follow up to support implementation of visual in the home setting

*Please note that this in-person workshop involves two 2-hour sessions across two days.

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Caregiver Training
  • Consultation
  • Visuals
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

This hands-on workshop will introduce caregivers to effective visual strategies that will assist in promoting positive behaviours.
Participants will walk away with the knowledge and rationale for using visual supports such as visual schedules, first & then boards and visual task analysis. Participants will have an opportunity to create an individualized visual to help support their child/ youth in the home environment.
Furthermore, caregivers will have an opportunity to consult virtually with a therapist for a one-hour follow up to support implementation of visual in the home setting

*Please note that this in-person workshop involves two 2-hour sessions across two days.

💻Hybrid (Algoma)
For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Caregiver Training
  • Consultation
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Independence
  • Life Skills
  • Skill Building
  • Toileting
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

This in-person workshop will discuss strategies that are proven effective when teaching toileting skills. Participants will gain knowledge of steps of toilet training, teaching strategies to implement during the toilet training journey. This is accompanied by a one-hour virtual follow-up consultation to support the implementation of these strategies into the home setting.

💻Hybrid (Algoma)
For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Caregiver Training
  • Consultation
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Daily Routine
  • Independence
  • Life Skills
  • Skill Building
  • Toileting
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

This in-person workshop will discuss strategies that are proven effective when teaching toileting skills. Participants will gain knowledge of steps of toilet training, teaching strategies to implement during the toilet training journey. This is accompanied by a one-hour virtual follow-up consultation to support the implementation of these strategies into the home setting.

💻Hybrid (Algoma)
Who is Eligible:

This service is not intended for severe challenging behaviour and/or self-injurious behaviour

For help with:
  • Caregiver Training
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

This is a parent/caregiver mediated program offered to families who would like to work on a specific goal. The 8-week program includes 6 face-to-face or virtual meetings throughout the 8-week service. A meeting will occur for the following: discussion around suitability of the goal, observation, assessment, strategy development, parent/caregiver direct support/coaching, and generalization and maintenance.

💻Hybrid (Algoma)
Who is Eligible:

This service is not intended for severe challenging behaviour and/or self-injurious behaviour

For help with:
  • Caregiver Training
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

This is a parent/caregiver mediated program offered to families who would like to work on a specific goal. The 8-week program includes 6 face-to-face or virtual meetings throughout the 8-week service. A meeting will occur for the following: discussion around suitability of the goal, observation, assessment, strategy development, parent/caregiver direct support/coaching, and generalization and maintenance.

💻Hybrid (Algoma)
Who is Eligible:

This service is not intended for severe challenging behaviour and/or self-injurious behaviour

For help with:
  • Caregiver Training
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

This is a parent/caregiver mediated program offered to families who would like to work on a specific goal. The 8-week program includes 6 face-to-face or virtual meetings throughout the 8-week service. A meeting will occur for the following: discussion around suitability of the goal, observation, assessment, strategy development, parent/caregiver direct support/coaching, and generalization and maintenance.

💻Hybrid (Algoma)
Who is Eligible:

This service is not intended for severe challenging behaviour and/or self-injurious behaviour

For help with:
  • Caregiver Training
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

This is a parent/caregiver mediated program offered to families who would like to work on a specific goal. The 8-week program includes 6 face-to-face or virtual meetings throughout the 8-week service. A meeting will occur for the following: discussion around suitability of the goal, observation, assessment, strategy development, parent/caregiver direct support/coaching, and generalization and maintenance.

💻Hybrid (Algoma)
Who is Eligible:

This service is not intended for severe challenging behaviour and/or self-injurious behaviour

For help with:
  • Caregiver Training
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

This is a parent/caregiver mediated program offered to families who would like to work on a specific goal. The 8-week program includes 6 face-to-face or virtual meetings throughout the 8-week service. A meeting will occur for the following: discussion around suitability of the goal, observation, assessment, strategy development, parent/caregiver direct support/coaching, and generalization and maintenance.

Who is Eligible:

What are the participation requirements?
• Have friendship problems
• In High school
• Young adults must be interested in attending the program
• Young adults must consistently attend the program
• Young adults must agree to participate voluntarily in the program
• Young adults must have a consistent social coach willing to attend the program each week
• Young adult does not demonstrate any aggressive or offensive behaviours

For help with:
  • Caregiver Training
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
  • Teens
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®) for Young Adults is an evidence-based social skills intervention for motivated young adults who are interested in making and keeping friends.

Who is Eligible:

Participant requirements:
The adolescent does not demonstrate any aggressive or offensive behavior.

Age is actually 4-8

Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

Games with Friends is a skill building group with goals around learning, playing, and interacting with peers. Facilitators use an interactive model including activities and games to teach participants social play and social language skills.
Group Topics include:
• Turn Taking
• Inviting others to play
• Winning and Losing
• Sportsmanship
• Greetings
• Understanding differences in interests

Who is Eligible:

The adolescent does not demonstrate any aggressive or offensive behavior.

Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

Using evidence based social skills, adapted from PEERS® for young Adults, participants will explore the skills related to dating.
Topics covered include:
Letting someone know you like them
Choosing appropriate people to date
Online dating
Asking someone on a date
Accepting rejection
Turning someone down
Planning and going on dates
Dating do's and don'ts
Handling pressure from partners

Who is Eligible:

What are the participation requirements?
• Adolescents who are able to maintain a shared focus to have a conversation with another child.
• The adolescent does not demonstrate any aggressive or offensive behavior.

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Communication
  • Life Skills
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
  • Teens
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

Model Me Conversation Cues™ is a program teaching the skills needed during conversations. Sessions are taught using a variety of activities, videos, workbooks, and role-plays. Topics covered include; When To Start Conversation, Cue: Interested, Cue: Not Interested, How To Start Conversation, Cue: Bored, Take Turns Maintain Conversation, Talk on Topic, Cue: Disbelief, Cue: Confused, My Cues, End Conversation

Who is Eligible:

What are the participation requirements?
• Adolescents who are able to maintain a shared focus to have a conversation with another child.
• The adolescent does not demonstrate any aggressive or offensive behavior.

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Communication
  • Life Skills
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
  • Teens
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

Model Me Conversation Cues™ is a program teaching the skills needed during conversations. Sessions are taught using a variety of activities, videos, workbooks, and role-plays. Topics covered include; When To Start Conversation, Cue: Interested, Cue: Not Interested, How To Start Conversation, Cue: Bored, Take Turns Maintain Conversation, Talk on Topic, Cue: Disbelief, Cue: Confused, My Cues, End Conversation

Who is Eligible:

What are the participation requirements?
• Adolescents who are able to maintain a shared focus to have a conversation with another child.
• The adolescent does not demonstrate any aggressive or offensive behavior.

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Communication
  • Life Skills
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
  • Teens
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

Model Me Conversation Cues™ is a program teaching the skills needed during conversations. Sessions are taught using a variety of activities, videos, workbooks, and role-plays. Topics covered include; When To Start Conversation, Cue: Interested, Cue: Not Interested, How To Start Conversation, Cue: Bored, Take Turns Maintain Conversation, Talk on Topic, Cue: Disbelief, Cue: Confused, My Cues, End Conversation

Who is Eligible:

What are the participation requirements?
• Adolescents who are able to maintain a shared focus to have a conversation with another child.
• The adolescent does not demonstrate any aggressive or offensive behavior.

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Communication
  • Life Skills
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
  • Teens
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

Model Me Conversation Cues™ is a program teaching the skills needed during conversations. Sessions are taught using a variety of activities, videos, workbooks, and role-plays. Topics covered include; When To Start Conversation, Cue: Interested, Cue: Not Interested, How To Start Conversation, Cue: Bored, Take Turns Maintain Conversation, Talk on Topic, Cue: Disbelief, Cue: Confused, My Cues, End Conversation

Who is Eligible:

The adolescent does not demonstrate any aggressive or offensive behavior.

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Communication
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
  • Teens
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

Model Me Confidence and Bullying Prevention™ is a program designed to provide tools for preventing bullying and building self-esteem. Through videos and workbook, discussions and activities, the program will cover:
• Self-Advocacy
• Peer Pressure
• Choosing Friends
• Building Strengths
• Visualization
• Positive Self-Talk
• Scripting
• Stay with Others
• Telling Isn't Tattling
• Walk Tall

Who is Eligible:

The adolescent does not demonstrate any aggressive or offensive behavior.

For help with:
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Communication
  • School Age
  • Skill Building
  • Social Skills
  • Teens
Provider:THRIVE Child Development Centre

Model Me Confidence and Bullying Prevention™ is a program designed to provide tools for preventing bullying and building self-esteem. Through videos and workbook, discussions and activities, the program will cover:
• Self-Advocacy
• Peer Pressure
• Choosing Friends
• Building Strengths
• Visualization
• Positive Self-Talk
• Scripting
• Stay with Others
• Telling Isn't Tattling
• Walk Tall