SibShops are events which provide 8-13 year old brothers and sisters of children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) an opportunity to meet other siblings in a relaxed, recreational setting.
SibShops intersperse information and discussion activities with high-energy games, new friends, and cooking and craft activities to get children talking, laughing and learning. An introduction to ASD will be included to provide participants with a better understanding of the disorder and how it may impact their sibling.
This offering is best suited for: Siblings of children with autism who are interested in not only learning about ASD, but also meeting other siblings, having fun, laughing, and talking about the good and not-so-good parts of having a sibling with special needs.
Behaviour Analysis Training & Supervision (BATS)
Sibling of a child with autism.
Must be able to follow group instruction.
Does not exhibit challenging behaviours that may put themselves or others at risk of injury.
Suitable age range from 8-13 years old.
12 hour workshop including: 3hrs – Intro to ASD 9hrs – SibShops curriculum with trained facilitator
Weekend session: Saturday & Sunday from 9:00am – 3:30pm EST
Weekday session: Monday evenings from 6:00pm -8:00pm for 6 weeks
Service Providers
ABA Northern Services and Training Inc.
Applied Behaviour Analytic Services
Breakthrough Speech & Language Therapy
Brenna Lanktree and Associates, Inc.
George Jeffrey Children's Centre
Kerry Maisels Behaviour Consulting Inc
Northern Outreach & Clinical Services