Managing Challenging Behaviours for Caregivers Group Condensed Workshop
This caregiver group involves participation in a Parent Management Training (Kazdin, 2008) program that aims to enhance parenting skills to improve challenging behaviours in children, such as aggression, hyperactivity, and non-compliance. The training will take place virtually in a group session. Handouts will be emailed to participants prior to each scheduled session.
- Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Behaviour
- Caregiver Training
- Coaching
- Emotional Regulation
- Self-regulation
Mariani and Associates
12 caregivers/group; closed group (i.e., same 12 caregivers attend each of the 12 sessions within same group)
FRENCH March 26, 2023 from 1 to 4pm
(Option d’atelier : atelier de trois heures portant sur le même contenu que le groupe de 12 séances, mais dans un format condensé.)
Service Providers
ABA Northern Services and Training Inc.
Applied Behaviour Analytic Services
Breakthrough Speech & Language Therapy
Brenna Lanktree and Associates, Inc.
George Jeffrey Children's Centre
Kerry Maisels Behaviour Consulting Inc
Northern Outreach & Clinical Services