Teaching Your teen About Sexuality


Parents play an important role in the sex education of their children. Every day, they serve as models of sexual health while also conveying their own values and beliefs. It is reassuring for teens to know there are trusting adults to support, guide and act as non-judgemental sources of information and education. The goal of the consultation is to provide parents and caregivers the information needed to support a structure for appropriate sexual behaviour based on ABA strategies and offer opportunities for teaching their teens social integration and healthy sexuality. Virtual brainstorming ABA strategies and sexuality with families on an individual basis. One follow up session to ensure good practice and application of ABA strategies. Parents should come prepared with their questions and concerns. If further evaluation is required, parents will be encouraged to contact a BCBA for clinical treatment.



S. Grenier Consulting

Available Spaces


Who is Eligible

Parents with a child or adolescent with an ASD diagnosis or behaviour challenges.

Session dates

Session 2
March 20, 2021