This service is not intended for those unable to follow instructions within a virtual group setting.
- Teens
- Vocational skills
Job Tips utilizes real-world scenarios & strategies to support teens and adults transitioning to the workplace. Sessions are taught using evidence-based strategies such as visual supports, social stories & comics, role-playing scenarios, video modeling, as well as self-assessments, and graphic organizers.
Topics include:
Determining Interests
Job Search
Resumes & Cover Letters
Interview Skills
This service is not intended for those unable to follow instructions within a group setting, those without
strong communication skills, or those with maladaptive behaviours.
- Skill Building
- Social Skills
- Teens
Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relationship Skills (PEERS®) is a social skills training intervention for youth. It is designed for motivated youth interested in learning ways to help them make and keep friends. They are taught essential social skills such as conversational skills, maintaining friendships, using humour appropriately, and handling disagreements. Teens have an opportunity to practice these skills through role-playing and other activities.
16 weeks of 1.5-hour sessions, for both teens and parents (or designated social coach). (Teen sessions and adult sessions will run at the same time but in different rooms).
Teens will learn how to:
Use appropriate conversational skills
Use humor appropriately
Use electronic communication
Enter & exit conversations
Be a good host during get-togethers
Be a good sport
Handle arguments and disagreements
Change a bad reputation
Handle rumors and gossip
Handle rejection, teasing, and bullying
This service is not intended for those unable to follow instructions within a group setting, or those with maladaptive behaviours.
- Communication
- School Age
- Social Skills
- Teens
Join us in person for Conversation Cues. Conversation Cues is a 12-session program teaching the skills needed during conversations. Sessions are taught using a variety of activities, videos, workbooks, and role-plays. Topics covered include;
- When To Start the Conversation
- Cue: Interested
- Cue: Not Interested
- How To Start a Conversation
- Cue: Bored
- Take Turns
- Maintain Conversation
- Talk on Topic
- Cue: Disbelief
- Cue: Confused
- My Cues
- End Conversation
- Communication
- Consultation
- Daily Routine
- Early Learning
- Emotional Regulation
- Independence
- Language
- Life Skills
- Play
- Preschool
- School Age
- Self-regulation
- Skill Building
- Social Skills
- Transitions
- Visuals
This group is a unique opportunity for children who communicate using PECS, sign language/gestures, a high-tech device (iPad), communication book, or other forms of AAC, to have opportunities to socialize and use their skills in a fun and supportive environment. This will also provide an opportunity for children to see other children using AAC and will build their own confidence using their AAC to effectively communicate with their peers.
- Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Behaviour
- Communication
- Early Learning
- Language
- Reinforcement
The child’s individual skills will determine an appropriate form of communication: words, word approximations or using a picture exchange. Initial sessions will be with parent/caregiver then sessions include coaching the child to begin to communicate with the parent/caregiver.
- Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Early Learning
- Play
- Social Skills
Reciprocal imitation training (RIT) is a naturalistic intervention designed to teach learners to imitate spontaneously during on-going play interactions with a play partner as a means of social interaction. RIT can be implemented in a variety of play settings and during daily routines.
- Communication
- Consultation
- Daily Routine
- Early Learning
- Emotional Regulation
- Independence
- Language
- Life Skills
- Play
- Preschool
- School Age
- Self-regulation
- Skill Building
- Social Skills
- Transitions
- Visuals
This group is a unique opportunity for children who communicate using PECS, sign language/gestures, a high-tech device (iPad), communication book, or other forms of AAC, to have opportunities to socialize and use their skills in a fun and supportive environment. This will also provide an opportunity for children to see other children using AAC and will build their own confidence using their AAC to effectively communicate with their peers. Movement and sensory activities will be incorporated into each group session.
- Assessment
- Communication
- Language
- School Age
- Transitions
The VB-MAPP is a developmental assessment and curriculum that assesses language, learning, and social skills, as well as behavioural barriers that are interfering with your child’s ability to learn more advanced skills. This assessment program is based upon Applied Behavior Analysis with a focus on Skinner’s (1957) analysis of verbal behavior. The VB-MAPP can help identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses across a variety of critical skills. The assessment also makes it easy to compare and contrast your child’s skills with those of same aged peers.
- Behaviour
- Caregiver Training
- Communication
- Early Learning
The Balance program is designed for young children who engage in high levels of uncooperative behaviour and/or some disruptive behavior (e.g., tantrums), especially when they cannot have their way. This program aims to create balance between child-led and adult-led interactions and allows for some shared control over daily activities. Caregivers will work alongside a behaviour analyst to create opportunities for their child to communicate their needs, accept disappointment and build overall cooperation.
- Behaviour
- Coaching
- Consultation
- Preschool
- School Age
This is a brief targeted consultation and direct support to help address specific behaviours and support the child’s skill development. The service consists of an initial 2-hour consultation with the parent(s) and child to determine the specific problematic behaviours to address. The child then participates in 4, 1-on-1 sessions with the Behaviour Analyst. At the end of the 4 sessions, the parent(s) will participate in another 2-hour consultation to review the progress and retool/adjust the initial behaviour plan.
*Depending on the behaviours and presenting problems, a parent may need to be present during the 1-on-1 sessions with the child.
For caregivers and parents only.
- Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Caregiver Training
- Consultation
We provide up to 3, one-hour sessions with a Behavior Clinician to directly support parents and caregivers to address a specific need/goal and the tools to support your child/youth’s skill development. Prior to these consultations, one of our skilled Foundational Family Service Clinicians will conduct an initial call to discuss your child’s current needs/skills and gather general information to help individualize these sessions. *Please note that due to the complexity of some specific needs/ goals, the Foundational Family Service Clinicians may determine that a goal is not appropriate for targeted sessions as they may require a more comprehensive assessment to be completed (i.e., accessing a core clinical service).
Targeted Consultation topics could include, but are not limited to:
• Strategies for toilet training (e.g., assessing readiness, developing a toilet training plan)
• Early learner communication (e.g., using a choice board)
• Social skills (e.g., sharing with a sibling)
• Transition support (e.g., using a visual schedule)
• Self-advocacy skills (e.g., sharing pronouns, advocating for specialized services in the school system)
This service is not intended for those unable to follow instructions within a group setting, or those with maladaptive behaviours.
- Communication
- School Age
- Social Skills
- Teens
Join us in person for Conversation Cues. Conversation Cues is a 12-session program teaching the skills needed during conversations. Sessions are taught using a variety of activities, videos, workbooks, and role-plays. Topics covered include;
- When To Start the Conversation
- Cue: Interested
- Cue: Not Interested
- How To Start a Conversation
- Cue: Bored
- Take Turns
- Maintain Conversation
- Talk on Topic
- Cue: Disbelief
- Cue: Confused
- My Cues
- End Conversation
This service is not intended for severe challenging behaviour and/or self-injurious behaviour
- Caregiver Training
- School Age
- Skill Building
- Social Skills
This is a parent/caregiver mediated program offered to families who would like to work on a specific goal. The 12-week program includes 6 or more face-to-face or virtual meetings throughout the 12-week service. A meeting will occur for the following: discussion around suitability of the goal, observation, assessment, strategy development, parent/caregiver direct support/coaching, and generalization and maintenance.
This service is not intended for those unable to follow instructions within a group setting, or those with maladaptive behaviours.
- Resilience
- Self-regulation
- Skill Building
- Teens
GoStrengths! is a 10-session program that provides youth with tools to cope effectively with challenges, and deal with stress, anxiety, and negativity. Youth will practice evidence-based methods to increase happiness. Session content includes:
- What is well-being and why should you care?
- Emotional Intelligence
- Resilience
- Problem-solving
- Character Strength Development
- Self-confidence
- Optimistic Thinking
- Social Connections
- Goal-Setting
This service is not intended for those unable to follow instructions within a group setting, or those with maladaptive behaviours.
- Life Skills
- Play
- School Age
- Skill Building
- Social Skills
Friendship – The Next Level is an 11-session Model Me Kids program using video modeling, games, activities, and practice to support developing skills. Several contexts are used to support generalization.
The sessions will focus on the following skills;
Team Sports
Include Others
Show Interest
Maintain Friendship
Body Language
Pre-requisite skills for this program include an ability to communicate verbally using simple sentences and to participate in a group program without challenging behaviour that would require individual adult support.
- Caregiver Training
- Early Learning
- Play
- School Age
- Skill Building
- Social Skills
Children’s Friendship Training is an in person, evidence-based social skills intervention for motivated children who are interested in learning ways to help them make and keep friends. During each small-group session, children learn a new skill and practice it with other group members. Meanwhile, parents learn how to support their children’s social development, coaching them as they practice their skills in the real world. Your child will learn these skills:
• Making a good first impression
• Conversing with other children
• Finding common interests with other children
• Playing fairly and being gracious when winning or losing
• Resolving conflicts
• Handling rejection, teasing, and bullying
• Joining other children at play
• Being a good host on a playdate
• Showing respect to other children and adults
This service is not intended for those unable to follow instructions within a group setting, or those with maladaptive behaviours.
- Communication
- Play
- School Age
- Skill Building
- Social Skills
Join us for 5 fun March Break social skill sessions! Social targets will be taught and reinforced using ABA evidence-based strategies. Through games and challenges we will focus on boosting social skills
Coping with rejection
Including others
Showing interest
This will be a small group session to allow for increased support coaching through the application of
This service is not intended for those unable to follow instructions within a group setting, or those with
maladaptive behaviours.
- Resilience
- School Age
- Siblings
- Skill Building
Sibshops is a program designed for brothers & sisters of someone with an intellectual disability, developmental disability, or mental health concerns. Sibshops is not therapy, but rather a venue for sibs to have fun, laugh, talk about the good and not-so-good parts, play some great games, learn something about the services/diagnosis of their brothers or sisters, and have some more fun.
Sessions will include a snack.
This service is not intended for those unable to follow instructions within a group setting, or those with
maladaptive behaviours.
- Communication
- Skill Building
- Social Skills
- Teens
Join us in person for Conversation Cues. Conversation Cues will be delivered over 4 days, focusing on
teaching the skills needed during conversations. Sessions are taught using a variety of activities,
videos, workbooks, and role-plays.
Topics covered include;
• When To Start the Conversation
• Cue: Interested
• Cue: Not Interested
• How To Start a Conversation
• Cue: Bored
• Take Turns
• Maintain Conversation
• Talk on Topic
• Cue: Disbelief
• Cue: Confused
• My Cues
• End Conversation
- Behaviour
- Caregiver Training
- Coaching
- Communication
- Daily Living Skills
- Daily Routine
- Early Learning
- Emotional Regulation
- Life Skills
- Reinforcement
- Skill Building
- Webinar
This workshop will outline strategies on reducing transition related challenging behaviours. We will review how to establish positive rapport, specific steps to cue your child of upcoming changes, strategies when advance notice is viable and ways to prevent and deescalate behaviour. The aim of this workshop is to share strategies that are aimed at reducing challenging behaviours, as a whole.
This service is not intended for those unable to follow instructions within a group setting, or those with maladaptive behaviours.
- Life Skills
- Play
- School Age
- Skill Building
- Social Skills
Time for a Playdate is a 12-session program using video modeling, games, activities, and practice to
support developing skills used during playdates. Several contexts are used to support generalization.
The sessions will focus on the following skills;
Greet Friend
Guest Chooses
Stay with Friend
Losing is OK
Talk on Topic
Take Turns
Play His Way
Eye Contact
Clean Up
Say Goodbye
Generalization of Skills
- Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Caregiver Training
- Daily Living Skills
- Daily Routine
- Independence
- Skill Building
- Toileting
- Webinar
This workshop has two group sessions with three follow up individual sessions with a BCBA-D.
Session 1: Review ABA strategies on teaching self-help skills
Session 2: Identify and develop a self-help goal.
Consultation sessions: Follow up progress with a BCBA-D and goal monitoring.
Caregivers Only
- Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Caregiver Training
- Coaching
- Communication
- Consultation
- Daily Routine
- Early Learning
- Language
- Life Skills
- Play
- Preschool
- Skill Building
This workshop series is recommended for families with a child who has recently received an Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. After receiving news of a diagnosis, families will navigate through a lot of information to make important decisions about next steps. This series offers 3 workshops, along with 4, 1:1, 30-minute consultations with a BCBA-D. Workshop 1 will provide an overview of various services recommended to caregivers of a child with ASD. Workshop 2 will provide an overview of Autism and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and why ABA is an effective treatment for those with ASD. Workshop 3 will focus on developing positive interactions as a foundation to teach a variety of different skills in these early stages. After attending the series of workshop there are four, 30-minute, 1:1 consultations, where caregivers meet with the BCBA-D to identify and develop basic skills that could include – communication, self help skills or day to day routines. The 1:1 consultations are for both the caregiver and child to attend. Workshops are delivered virtually and only caregivers attend those. The 1:1 consultations can be virtual or in person, based on preference and availability.
Caregivers with children 3-8 years.
- Antecedent Strategies
- Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Behaviour
- Caregiver Training
- Coaching
- Communication
- Daily Routine
- Early Learning
- Language
- Play
- Reinforcement
- Skill Building
- Social Skills
This workshop provides an opportunity to learn Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) strategies to teach your child
play skills that increase and promote communication. Teaching communication skills and expanding your child’s language through play increases skill development across many areas maximizing learning opportunities. There are four individual consults with a BCBA-D included with this workshop. These consultations are individualized specific to implement the strategies reviewed at the workshop with your child. Workshops are delivered virtually and only caregivers attend those. The 1:1 consultations can be virtual or in person, based on preference and availability.
- Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Consultation
- Preschool
- Skill Building
Following a 1-hour consultation meeting with our on-site BCBA, your child will receive 6 hours of 1:1 follow up service/caregiver coaching with our clinical team, at our center, for up to 4 weeks. Session dates and times will be arranged with each individual family.
Service Providers
ABA Northern Services and Training Inc.
Applied Behaviour Analytic Services
Breakthrough Speech & Language Therapy
Brenna Lanktree and Associates, Inc.
George Jeffrey Children's Centre
Kerry Maisels Behaviour Consulting Inc
Northern Outreach & Clinical Services