Speech and Language Individual Consultations are designed to allow for caregivers the opportunity to discuss 1-2 concerns they have about their child’s speech and language development. Families will meet with a registered Speech-Language Pathologist for a total of four 1:1 consultations, which will last 45 minutes each, and be offered in-person or virtually.

During the first consultation session, parents/caregivers will meet with the Speech-Language Pathologist to discuss concerns they have regarding their child’s communication development. At this time, functional strategies and goals will be shared with the caregivers to ensure that they have the knowledge and confidence required to allow them to help their child become a more effective communicator in everyday life. This service is designed for families of children who are not yet using verbal words to communicate, use a limited number of words, communicate with a communication device (i.e. PECS, Proloquo, SnapCore), struggle to produce speech sounds, communicate using incomplete sentences, or have difficulties with social communication and interaction with peers. No
matter what the need is, we can help!

The remaining 3 consultation sessions will involve either only the parent, or both parent and child. The Speech-Language Pathologist will guide the parent in implementation of the strategies and goals discussed during the first consultation session.

Speech and Language Individual Consultations-December


**Please pick one day only – selecting additional dates will not result in additional service delivery**
The dates selected do not necessarily represent the dates the service will be delivered to you. You are simply reserving the space”.
Dates and Times:
December 4, 2024

Once a family signs up, the agency will contact the family and book their 4 consultations at a time that works for both the agency and the family. Sessions will be made available between the hours of 9:00am – 3:00pm, Monday through Friday.

For any questions:
(705) 855-9990

March 2025

Service provided by: Breakthrough